Everything You Need To Know About Giant Pop It

Pop it has become one of the most renowned toys in recent times among children. Almost every child in a particular region or a city has this toy at his home. Some of such children even possess more than one of such toys, and they continue to buy more and expand their collections. The toy seems to be an addition for a child and brings satisfaction to him in the best possible way. 

What is a Pop It? 

Have you ever popped up a bubble wrap when you received a package? Pop it as a toy that mimics that concept wherein it pops up when a child squeezes a bubble. Popping such bubbles proves to be an exciting experience for the younger generation and can last for an increasing time. 

It was originally introduced to help a person with anxiety issues or faces difficulty while he focuses on releasing his nervous energy. This fashion has stolen the attention of many children in this day and age, irrespective of their ages; many toy companies tend to produce them widely and market them to potential customers. 

It was released in 2013 but was not a success. In 2019, it was relaunched and became a TikTok sensation while becoming a trendy toy among people. It is made up of odorless and non-toxic silicone and can be pressed repeatedly for a long duration. It is famous among children as a soft, washable, comfortable, safe, and durable toy to have fun with!

Benefits of Pop It for preschoolers 

Playing Giant pop it seems to be a fun activity, especially when a child listens to the mini-explosions. It turns out to be no ordinary toy; it has several benefits, especially for the development of preschoolers. 

  • Improved concentration and focus 

Sensory and movement input is important for the development of the brain. Several pieces of research have shown that when a child can direct or control his movements, especially when he is anxious or stressed, he can also improve concentration and focus. A study also showed several students who were provided with a stress-relieving toy showed an improved performance. Pop it is known to be such a stress reliever toy that can help increase the concentration in children when played with. 

  • Stimulation of brain development 

One of the primary functions of a brain stem is controlling the basic functions of the body as consciousness, breathing, and heart rate. Movement is considered a fundamental way of stimulating the brain stem while pressing pop it. Moving hands can help a child send signals from his body to his brain to build awareness. 

  • Building a fun atmosphere 

Along with increasing productivity and focus, playing Pop it can also make the mind of a child rest for a bit. Teachers and parents are required to divide the time for children to play and learn along with free play. The establishment of a pleasant atmosphere can make paying attention to a lesson a lot easier. 

  • Stimulation of motor skills

Pop it is a game than can train the mathematical thinking, strategies, logical thinking, mental arithmetic, motor skills, and reasoning of a child. This game is played while following the rules to train the thinking skills of a child. It also helps in the developing logical reasoning skills, brainpower, and the ability to process things. 

  • Reduced anxiety and stress 

Stress, anxiety, and learning disorders like ADHD are generally experienced by children while growing up. While preventing or eliminating the problem might not be in the hands of a Pop it toy, it can undoubtedly help calm a child by keeping his hands busy. 


Getting relief from stress and improving learning could not be any easier. A Pop it will help your child stay calm, relaxed, and focused. What are you waiting for? With so many benefits of Giant pop it, buy one for your child today! 

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