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Fintech is financial services and their industries/areas that are provided more efficiently and productively by utilizing technology. It is a new financial service and digital service that integrates technologies such as the Internet, smartphones, AI (artificial intelligence), and blockchain.

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Strengthen customer relationships

The environment surrounding financial institutions is changing drastically due to the rise of FinTech companies. Entry into the financial field by different industries, low-profit environment, and sluggish demand for capital.

Customer behavior is also diversifying due to the spread of new lifestyles and technological advances, and it is necessary to take measures to improve corporate value and support growth by grasping customer issues more than ever.

Use Monese invite code to access free cash and get financial institutions with a safe and secure business matching platform that uses cloud technology cultivated over many years as a place to solve the problems of both financial institutions and client companies.

High-cost Effectiveness

Client companies can easily start using the service from the free service. In addition, you can efficiently find business partners/suppliers without the need for human resources. By collaborating with large and regional financial institutions, business matching that transcends the boundaries of regions and industries will increase.

Easy operability

It is equipped with functions that emphasize ease of use for users. It is possible to have business negotiations using chat on the site with the company you care about, in addition, it is possible to build deeper relationships by digitizing customer movements.

Encounter with a new company

By using a platform in which multiple financial institutions participate, it will be possible to create business opportunities that transcend the boundaries of regions and industries.

Bringing Financial Services to Everyone and Industry with Digital Power

The financial functions that have supported our lives are about to change dramatically, which has faced technology, will support the ever-challenging finance with the power of digital technology.

Expanding Profit Opportunities

To further strengthen the matching business of financial institutions by combining a free service that supports the free matching of client companies and a paid service that supports matching by financial institutions.

Measures to Be Taken in the Use of Cloud Services

•To determine whether or not to entrust the handling of information based on the rating and restriction of handling of the information to be handled.

• Evaluate the risks of laws and regulations other than domestic laws, select contractors, and, if necessary, designate the location of the consignment project and the applicable laws and jurisdictions stipulated in the contract.

• Consider measures to smoothly transition operations at the end of interruption or termination of cloud services, and make it a requirement for selecting contractors.

• To ensure the appropriate security of information distribution channels, including cloud services, security requirements must be defined after a security design that looks over the entire distribution channel of information.

•Comprehensively and objectively evaluate and judge the reliability of cloud services and contractors based on the content of reports through information security audits of cloud services, the status of application of various certifications, and certification systems.

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